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[소모임]영어토론(중~상 회화)모집_목_4월11일:PE,카공족,ChatGPT

작성자안대현 작성일2024.04.06 13:31 조회131
** 010-5446-사0칠구(리더 : Dave)에게 문자 바랍니다. 

1. 모임에 대하여

- 지원자격 : 토익 750이상 and 중급 이상 회화
- 대상 : 대학생, 직장인, 취준생 등

- 방식: 60분간 3개 주제 토론 (주제 당 20 분씩)
- 짧은 영문 자료마다 질문이 주어짐-> "질문에 대한 답을 영어로 준비해오세요"
- 벌금 없음, 회비 없음
- 소그룹(3~4인)으로 쪼개짐-> 안지루함

* 시간 : 매주 목요일, 8:00~9:00 AM
* 장소 : 전남대 공대7호관 팬도로시 커피숍의  2층(무료)

2. 구성원 Background는 다양해요. 
-> 대학생, 간호사, 건축기사, 미국 회계사, etc
- 리더는 직장인이며, 토익 990. 

3. 중급회화 실력이어도 주저마시고 신청하세요. 

4. 아래는 4월 11일(목)의 자료. 

1. Education Ministry to increase physical education hours in public schools(korea joongangdaily, October 30, 2023)

Q1) Did you like PE class during your school days?

Q2) Do you agree to the government plans to increase PE hours for students?

Q3) Do you agree to the opinion-'High school seniors should be exempt from PE classes because they are busy preparing for the college entrance exam.'?


The mid and long-term measures, to be implemented from 2024 to 2028, come as the Covid-19 pandemic significantly harmed students' physical activities and mental health.


The government plans to increase physical education hours for grades 1 and 2 from the current 80 hours to 144 hours in 2025. In lower grades in elementary schools, physical education classes have been included in a subject called “pleasant life,” which also includes music and art, for the past 40 years.


According to an official at the ministry, separating the subject will ensure teachers allocate enough time for students to participate in PE classes. A specific timeline for the separation plan is still under discussion.


In middle schools, sports club activity hours will be increased by 30 percent. The government will require high school students to take 10 credits of PE classes from 2025 when a “high school credit system” will be implemented for the first time. The Education Ministry will discuss the plan’s implementation with the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.


This new system will allow students to choose their subjects, ditching the standardized curriculum that Korean students have traditionally followed. Students can graduate from high school as long as they fulfill enough credits, just like in universities.


To support students suffering psychologically, the government plans to double the budget for programs that bring therapists to schools for consultations and financial support schemes for those in need. According to the ministry, 4.8 percent of the 1.73 million students tested through the ministry's mental health assessments required special care, while 1.3 percent were at risk of suicide.


2. Grab a coffee and hit the books : Cafes have overtaken libraries as preferred spot for studying(koreajoongangdaily)

Q1) Which place do you prefer between library and cafe, for your studying?

Q2) You and your friends are chatting in a cafe. How would you react to a person who requests 'Plz keep your voice down. We students are studying.' ?

Q3) If you were a coffeeshop owner, how would you deal with a student who sits for 10 hours after ordering a single cup of coffee?

Heading to the library to study is quickly becoming a thing of the past. University students, office workers and entrepreneurs looking for a place to study after work or school head out to local coffee shops to get their work done.

“It feels suffocating at a library and you have to be careful when you turn the pages of your books in order to not make too much noise,” said Han. “So, I came to a cafe.”

People prefer cafes over libraries because they are more widely available and accessible than libraries, and they allow visitors to eat while they study.

“About three to five libraries are in each district, but you can see about five to six cafes within a 100-meter (328-foot) radius of wherever you stand,” said Shin. “And since a cafe isn’t a place where need to keep quiet, you don’t have to worry about [making sounds] from typing, and you can enjoy coffee or wine as you read.”

Even younger students in junior high or high school choose to study at cafes, especially in areas where private institutes are highly concentrated like Daechi-dong in southern Seoul.

Many students also choose to have lessons with private tutors at cafes instead of having them at home.

The trend has even inspired the new term, kagong. The portmanteau combines the first syllables of cafe and the Korean word for study, which is gongbu.

With kagong becoming more and more common, big name franchises and small mom and pop coffee shops are responding in different ways. Most franchises have enough space to house people who come to study or chat, and don’t have to worry about losing sales as they have a steady flow of customers who order drinks to take out.

“We don’t really lose business due to [people who study],” said an official from Starbucks. “We want to make our shops a gathering place for each community where one can study and work.”

However, small cafes that only have about 10 tables and don’t have high traffic to their stores from on-the-go customers are considering whether they need to require those who study to make another order after some time.


3. ChatGPT can now see, hear, and speak(OpenAI)

Q1) What do people use ChatGPT for?

Q2) What is good about having English conversation with GhatGPT? Why would you come out and meet face-to-face with real humans to learn English?


We are beginning to roll out new voice and image capabilities in ChatGPT. They offer a new, more intuitive type of interface by allowing you to have a voice conversation or show ChatGPT what you’re talking about.

Voice and image give you more ways to use ChatGPT in your life. Snap a picture of a landmark while traveling and have a live conversation about what’s interesting about it. When you’re home, snap pictures of your fridge and pantry to figure out what’s for dinner (and ask follow up questions for a step by step recipe). After dinner, help your child with a math problem by taking a photo, circling the problem set, and having it share hints with both of you.


We’re rolling out voice and images in ChatGPT to Plus and Enterprise users over the next two weeks. Voice is coming on iOS and Android (opt-in in your settings) and images will be available on all platforms.

Speak with ChatGPT and have it talk back

You can now use voice to engage in a back-and-forth conversation with your assistant. Speak with it on the go, request a bedtime story for your family, or settle a dinner table debate.